Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana I)

This beautiful full-body strengthening pose allows us to create a grounding connection to the earth while we fearlessly expand and lift our focus.

To prepare for Warrior 1, ensure you begin with a good foundation; a steady Mountain Pose should always be your starting point. Chair Pose can be a great preparation for Warrior 1 as well, and its energising effects can help prepare for the strengthening and grounding we experience in Warrior

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Stand in Mountain Pose to begin. Leading with an inhale, step one foot back, placing your hands on your hips and keeping your chest open. Angle the back leg out to 90o, allowing your inner arch to line up with the front heel. Once you are happy with your alignment, turn the back foot in to about 45o.

  2. As you inhale raise your arms above your head and allowed the palms to meet. Make sure your hips are square by gently pressing your back hip forward, feeling the stretch along your back leg.

  3. As you exhale bend your front knee towards a 90o angle to bring the knee directly over the ankle joint. Press into all four corners of both feet into the ground beneath you to connect. Try to distribute your weight evenly, not relying too much on your front leg.

  4. Relax the pelvis to let the tailbone drop down toward the floor, opening the pelvis and the hips, and creating space in the lower back, building strength in this oft neglected part of the body.

  5. Lift the chest towards the arms. Lift from the mid back and try not to arch in the lower back, always creating space and elongating the spine. If you feel ready and able, take your gaze upwards to the hands and you breathe deeply and evenly.

  6. To release, inhale as you straighten the left leg and lower the arms. On exhalation, slightly load the legs to mindfully bring the back leg to meet the front and return to Mountain Pose. Take a deep breath to align, then repeat on the other side.


As you develop your Warrior 1 pose you will not only increase lower body strength, but you will strengthen the arms, shoulders and upper back too. You will create space in the abdomen, pelvis and lower back which will help improve circulation and respiration allowing the whole body to feel energised. You will also benefit from a whole body stretch, whilst opening the hips, chest and lungs, improving your stability and focus whilst more keenly feeling your connection to the grounding energy of the earth. Enjoy!


The Classic Yoga Bible, Christina Brown, Godsfield Press, 2009.

Warrior 1 Pose, Yoga Journal, 2020


Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasa)


3 Awesome Benefits Of Yoga: Volume 4