Headstand Pose (Sirsasana)

The Headstand Pose (Sirsasana) is a challenging yoga pose that can take a lot of practice to learn. An advanced technique, it is often approached with trepidation by beginners. However, with the correct tuition and repeated practice, it can be learned by almost anyone.

Nicknamed the “king” of all yoga poses, mastery of the Headstand Pose is coveted among those in the yoga community because of the many physical and spiritual benefits associated with it.

Step-by-step Guide

  1. Lower yourself onto your knees, and slowly on to all fours. Make sure that your hands are placed directly under your shoulders.

  2. Drop your elbows onto the floor and into the same spot your hands were just in. The elbows should now be stacked under the shoulders.

  3. Cross your arms, and grab your opposite elbows with your hands. If this feels easy to do you have done it correctly.

  4. Release your elbows and move your arms back into the same position from before. Press your elbows into the ground, palms flat, and push slightly away from the ground, keeping your gaze level on your hands.

  5. Keeping your elbows in the same position, interlock your fingers. This will form a little triangle leading from your hands to your elbows.

  6. With your knees still on the ground, cup your hands and lower your head towards the floor. The crown of your head should be directly on the ground, and your hands should be supporting the back of the head.

  7. Lift your knees, straighten your legs and point your bum to the sky. Your body should begin to form a shape similar to a V.

  8. Slowly walk your feet up closer to your body, making sure that your arms stay rooted to the floor. Gradually, your hips and bum should begin to align with your back.

  9. Keeping your balance, slowly lift your toes and feet off the ground. After your legs have left the floor, bend your knees and bring them in towards your chest.

  10. After engaging the core muscles, begin to slowly straighten your legs upwards. Your body should form a straight line pointing towards the sky.

  11. After holding the pose for as long as comfortable, bring both legs back in towards the chest, and slowly touch your feet back down onto the floor.

Benefits Of The Headstand Pose

As previously mentioned, the Headstand Pose is famous for the benefits it is said to provide. These range from things such as:

  • Improvements in core and neck strength

  • Strengthing of the arm and leg muscles

  • Improvements in focus and the ability to stay in the present

  • Stress reduction and relief

  • Improved digestion

  • Better blood flow to the head, scalp, and eyes


The Headstand Pose is an advanced yoga technique, which makes it a little risky for beginners. To avoid any injury or illness, it is important to have an understanding of the precautions:

  • You should avoid this technique if you suffer from neck or back problems

  • Avoid practicing this technique if you suffer from high blood pressure

  • Do not practice if you have a headache or migraine

  • Pregnant women should not attempt this technique

  • Do not practice if you suffer from heart or kidney problems

  • Do not practice this technique if you suffer from any eye issues

  • Always stop the practice if you encounter any sort of pain


The Headstand Pose is an amazing yoga technique aimed at people who have experienced yoga before. With practice, it can be achieved by almost anyone, offering a whole host of physical and emotional benefits in return.


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